DUI boycotts, DPA fights for an Albanian President

Democratic Union for Integration boycotts the presidential elections and promotes the idea for a consensual president. Their motto is „No for one side President, Yes for our idea”.

Halimi-Ahmeti (Small)The President of DUI, Ali Ahmeti, urged citizens to not go to the elections, emphasizing that for the President should negotiate legitimate representatives of the two communities, because we live in one country, but separately. DUI in its platform shows the value of taking one from three key functions in the state administration, as the President, Prime Minister and the President of the parliament.

Iljaz Halimi, the candidate for a President from DPA, on his campaign got out with the motto “For Albanian President”. He promised to the citizens’ ethnical equality, equal representationof Albanians and denationalization of the property of the Muslim community. Halimi believes that on April 13, when the parliamentary elections will be held, citizens will support him more. The President of DPA, Menduh Taci, on the lasts night rally in Tearce, blamed the party in power for discrimination of Albanians. He blamed DUI for not realizing the projects, for example the use of Albanian as an official language.

Arbana Kerimi

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