CIVIL panel discussion: Smaller ethnic communities between statistics and politics

CIVIL is organizing a public event titled “Smaller ethnic communities between statistics and politics”, on December 21 (Tuesday), starting at 11.00 am at its Press center on the 3rd floor of the “Paloma Bjanka” Business Center.


How it was conducted, what were the challenges and what are the perspectives of the 2021 Population Census? – is the main question that will be addressed by Suad Skenderi – Romalitiko, Adelaid Karisic – Bosnaik Research Center Skopje and Dobre Mitrev, President of the civil society association “Macedonian – Bulgarian Friendship”. The event will be moderated by Dehran Muratov from CIVIL.


The event will be broadcast live on CIVIL’s Facebook and Youtube channels, while the content that will result from the panel will be published on CIVIL’s media platform.


The media will be able to join through the Zoom link that will be made available.


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