The human cost of guns

Republic of Macedonia, Global Week of Action Against Gun Violence: 11-18 May 2015

This year, the Global Week of Action Against Gun Violence will be marked in the period 11 – 18 May 2015. This global action is an initiative of the International Action Network on Small Arms, IANSA. The third day of this week (13 May 2015) coincides with the Security Council Open debate on Small Arms.Week of Action Logo 2015

CIVIL – Center for Freedom will organize an art workshop for children and youth, a video screening and a debate on theHuman cost of guns, which is the suggested theme for this year. These activities will strengthen public awareness on the threats and dangers of guns and gun culture.

The Global Week of Action Against Gun Violence is a time when citizens need to promote the fight against guns, and for authorities to be reminded of the existing standards and agreements for controlling the proliferation and smuggling of weapons. This week should be used for education and awareness raising for the purpose of eliminating illegal guns and gun violence on the streets and in homes.

CIVIL -Center for Freedom is a member organization of IANSA since 2002 and of the Control Arms coalition from the beginning of its formation. CIVIL has been marking this Week of Action for 14 years now, through public awareness activities and civic education.

The difficult situation in the country, political crisis, unsound security situation and non-functioning of state institutions, make the subject of arms control extremely important for our country these days, All efforts and demands by CIVIL to the institutions to tackle the security and safety of the citizens more seriously and consequently, towards overcoming of the gun culture, and towards the fight against illegal weapons, have not had any response in the past years.

The Civil Team will be available for communication with the media and citizens for sharing information on activities at national and international level.

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